Checking your pet for ticks after every walk is crucial to prevention.
With the change in seasons, it’s time to get outside with your pet and enjoy the Spring weather. It’s also time to be more vigilant with tick prevention and treatment if you do find
one of the insects on your furry friend. Ticks are small, blood-sucking parasites that are dangerous for pets and their owners, potentially carrying a range of health problems, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tick paralysis.
With the warmer than usual summer here in the Northeast, it’s important to understand that ticks could be more prevalent this year than in year’s past.
Our experts from Veterinary Urgent Care Center offer advice on things you can do to prepare for the upcoming season.
Start with a vet check-up…the best place todo this is with your primary care veterinarian. However, if you are in need we can offer you a wellness check to get your pet up to date on vaccinations, tick medication, and other preventative measures. Knowing that your pet is up to date on everything is the first step!
Keep your yard tidy…prevention starts at home. Ticks love to hide in tall grass and wooded areas. Make sure to keep your yard tidy by mowing the lawn regularly and removing any debris that could be a hiding spot for ticks. If you live near wooded areas, consider creating a barrier between your yard and the woods to prevent ticks from entering.
Use tick medication…There are several types of tick medication available that can help prevent ticks from latching onto your pet. These medications are available in the form of pills, collars, or topical treatments. Speak to your veterinarian about which option is best for your pet.
Check your pet regularly for ticks every time you get home…even with preventative measures in place, your pet may still get ticks. Therefore, it’s important to check your pet regularly for ticks. This is especially important after spending time outside or in wooded areas. Look for ticks on your pet’s fur and skin, paying close attention to areas such as the ears, paws, and armpits.
Remove ticks promptly…if you find a tick on your pet, it’s important to remove it promptly. Ticks can transmit disease within 24-48 hours of latching onto a host. To remove a tick, use tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull it straight out. Avoid twisting or squeezing the tick as this can cause it to release more disease-causing bacteria.
If you do believe your pet has been bitten by a tick, please reach out to any of our locations at Veterinary Urgent Care Center. Book an appointment online or view our hours before you walk-in at We have locations in Quincy, Plymouth, and Easton.